Main Venue
Quality Hotel View
Hyllie, Malmö
Quality Hotel View in Hyllie, Malmö is the Action Summit main venue!
When you stay at the Quality Hotel View, you'll be right in the middle of all the action! The hotel is located in the new urban district of Hyllie in Malmö, in the heart of Öresund.
Book your stay at Quality Hotel View below and don’t forget to register for the Action Summit.
Welcome party venue
Malmö Town Hall
(Malmö Rådhus)
Built in the 16th century, Malmö Rådhus is the perfect venue for our Welcome Party!
The original building was completed in 1546. The two-storey building was one of the country’s largest town halls at the time. It was later re-designed and reconstructed by the architect Helgo Zettervall with the prominent Dutch Renaissance style facade it has today. Inside, the building is highly decorated with elaborate stucco work from the 19th century.